The Wonders of WordPress…

Oh how it frustrates me.  After devoting much of my day to viewing YouTube videos on WordPress basics and how to add shopping carts, I have decided to pack it up for the night. I’m tired, owly, and no further ahead than I was this morning! If anyone just happens […]

Bifocals and blackheads…

I turned 50 this past summer.  Yes, 50. I’m not really the type that gets worked up too much over age – after all, once you hit LEGAL age, it’s only math. There are certain things that I’ve noticed in getting older, aside from the usual aches and pains.  The […]

And now….we shop!

Well, it’s official – Hippie Ways Natural Body Care exists… Now I just need to figure out how I’m going to finance this little operation. Since I found myself rather suddenly unemployed in September (a story unto itself) I’ve been tossing around the idea of unleashing my creative dragons and […]

On being a self-professed Hippie…

Since I was only born in the ’60’s and not actually RAISED in the ’60’s I get a lot of strange looks when I announce to those who ask that I am 100% hippie.   I’ll have to say that the majority of strange looks come from the younger folks I […]

Mayonnaise and Philosophy – The making of a hippie?

There’s a certain philosophy involved in calling one’s self a Hippie.  To some, it’s an entire realm of anti-establishment beliefs.  To others, it’s a movement – born in the 60’s, held over through modern times. To me is a simple, natural, inexpensive way of doing things. As a child of […]

Very true...

Just watering the hippies….

I had a most interesting conversation with gent that I work with not very long ago on the topic of “hippies” and the different perceptions that people develop that apply to the term “hippie”. As most are aware, my Dad is the one that more or less labelled me “hippie” […]

Hold the Mayo? I think not!

Being the adept Facebook junkie that I am brings me WORLDS of information and insight along with my morning brew.  One of my favorite Facebook groups is a collection of folks that call themselves “Alternative Ways of Survival”.  They’re a heartfelt, outgoing, no-BS bunch that post all sorts of wonderful […]

Coffee Moment

Finding Beauty

There are many ways one can appreciate BEAUTY.  To each individual, there will be a multitude of things (or people, or candies, or flowers) that they find “beautiful”.  Each of us has our own sense of beauty.  Everyone’s soul is affected by something different.  I find that music is one […]

Location, location, location!!

It’s a bit of a buzz-term for a lot of things.  Really, I think location has to do with pretty much EVERYTHING these days that is pertinent, intelligent and mindful.  I am inspired today to NOT change my LOCATION in my quest for food.  Project du jour….egg salad. What does […]

Facebook and personality quirks

There are many days that I get out of bed and just SIT in front of the computer staring at Facebook.  Since I’m not a big TV fan, I tend to keep up with friends and get most of my news there.  I don’t really see myself as an addict, […]