To Lose Something So Dear…

When someone or something has been a part of your life since late childhood, it’s a very difficult thing to stand by and watch it go away.

As I sit here contemplating what to say about 2025 suddenly landing our laps, I’m reminded that 2024 was a year of huge changes. As most know, I took the leap in to the business world. Sort of. Grant you, side hustles don’t usually involve commercial real estate, but in the end my ultimate goal is to just dwell quietly above my little shop with my cats and devote my “retirement” years to not actually being retired.

In June 2024 Rocky was starting to look a little peaked. If you’re not sure who Rocky is …. … will give you an introduction.

Not really recognizing the signs of his ailment right away, I brought him down to the greenhouse at Sacred Garden and with the intention of letting him rest in heat and light for the summer. Being 44 years old I thought that perhaps it was just age. The process of repotting revealed my oversight…root rot. I trimmed, and pruned and stripped…fresh soil, the whole works. Set in the warmth of the greenhouse and carefully observed. There was no noticeable improvement. In the weeks that followed I wished and watered, hoping for some small sign of recovery. There were none. As summer faded to autumn the time came to bring the houseplants indoors for the cooler seasons. Rocky was brought in to the shop studio and on the warmer days he was set outside on the back deck of the shop to enjoy the sun as it continued its trek into the dark half of the year. Through October’s strange and unseasonal weather I watched Rocky pass away.

Many times in the last months I’ve struggled with processing this loss. How does one pen a eulogy for a plant?? In truth, I feel the loss of this strange plant as acutely as I feel the loss of the woman who sprouted him. The feelings of guilt over being so wrapped up in my own problems that I missed sure signs of illness. What could I have done differently? Endless rounds of self-recriminating statements. In the end, none of it truly matters.

It’s not so much WHAT happened, it’s how you react to the matter is what’s important. So, in keeping the react part in mind Rocky will be buried in the garden space behind Sacred Garden Fine Energies. He will be returned to the earth from whence he came and will breakdown and add nutrients to the soil that will in turn grow other things.

There are simply times when one thing will have to end in order for something else to grow. I’m reminded of a conversation had with Danean when we were first talking of her making the choice to sell her property that has become Sacred Garden. She had expressed sadness at closing down her business and selling it off in pieces. The fresh flowers aspect was being purchased by another local artist and I was purchasing the property itself. To my mind it was as though Danean had planted two trees. The separation of the pieces of her business would eventually become two distinct and flourishing businesses.

Now that 2025 has landed squarely in our laps, it’s time to contemplate the reaction to our rapidly changing world. For me, no resolutions. Just intentions. Intentions to pay more attention to what’s truly important.

My health (physical and emotional). There was a time when the word “therapist” was whispered in corners. Our new reality is that if you don’t have a therapist, you probably need one. We all have baggage…we’re just no longer obliged to carry it all.

My business. As my career working life slows down, “I’ll be at the office” becomes less of a shield to hide behind. The funds from my day job will be funnelled (largely) into my shop.

My relationships. My nest is empty, but my life is full. Kids are long since grown up and have little families of their own. We all live in the same town within blocks of each other. There is comfort in that.

Now it’s time to build a relationship with myself. Self reflection and examination is not an easy thing. It’s going to take work. But like the nice folks at L’Oreal say – I’m worth it.

To lose something DEAR is a sign from the Universe that change is a constant thing – how one reacts is the important thing.

Peace, love and hippie ways to you for 2025…
