Where do I start? Any wise person will tell you that a journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step. From where this particular journey started to where I am now seems like roughly 50 000 miles of scrambling about in the mist.
Where I am NOW is what counts. After 60 years on this planet, I have finally decided what I want to be when I grow up. I choose to be HAPPY.
In the process of this growing-up nonsense, there have been many times where the decisions that were made felt like there was no choice in the matter. When I reflect on these choices now, yes, there was a choice. Many times it was a process of choosing the lesser evil. However, NOW the path has finally shown itself to me. Ultimately, I am destined to build up a living by way of building a life.
A student of the Earth Based Ways, I believe that all gardens are sacred. I believe that this planet we live on is (very likely) one of the ONLY places in this galaxy that is nothing but GARDEN space from the coldest points of the Boreals to the Amazon. If you want to find the Garden of Eden take a look at what’s under your feet. Earth, in all her glory, is where humans dwell. We should probably have more respect for our own Mother.
As a self-professed hippie it just feels right. Born too late to be a “baby-boomer” and too soon to be “Gen-X-er” I’ve always seemed to walk a path somewhere between worlds. So I’m going to make use of my skills and knowledge to provide a shop where all are welcome and included. Where being different is considered “normal”. Where sitting and reading a book on Druidry or Chakra clearing is nothing unusual. Where sidelong glances and suspicion are a thing of the past. Where artists from the area can show off their brilliance for all to see. Where those seeking to expand their perceptions of their own world and energy can come and feel at home.
Sacred Garden Fine Energies will be just that. A small shop (and seasonal greenhouse) in a small town in a small corner of Saskatchewan.
Once the I’s are dotted and the T’s are crossed, this sign (gifted to me recently in celebration of Sacred Garden) will be the first installation.

Blessings and peace to you and yours