Home and Hearth

26 posts

Tips and bits on being eco-smart at home. Cheap tricks and sustainable ideas

The New Normal….Problem?

There are points that (in my humble opinion….) that really should be pondered quite carefully with all of the radio and television play on what our government and media keep telling us that that we will be “the new normal”. Please take a moment and really think about this. Then, […]

Starting off simple…

There really is nothing “simple” about trying to be a hippie.  Humans continue to label “hippies” as somewhat outside the norm.  Personally, I think being all natural and organic should be considered NORMAL. There is so much “product” available for consumption these days that most people have no clue what […]

Yes, I know….

I’m experimenting with themes and other technical bits – so if you think the site looks pretty weird – you are quite right!! I’m going to get this rolling as soon as I can, but in the meantime, for orders, comments or just to yell at me for fooling around […]

Mayonnaise and Philosophy – The making of a hippie?

There’s a certain philosophy involved in calling one’s self a Hippie.  To some, it’s an entire realm of anti-establishment beliefs.  To others, it’s a movement – born in the 60’s, held over through modern times. To me is a simple, natural, inexpensive way of doing things. As a child of […]