Getting the blog-roll rolling…

Hippie:  define hippie….call ’em what you will, personally I’ve always be rather proud of the label.  You don’t need to take a vow of poverty or swear off shaving your legs.  You don’t need to burn bras, or attend Green Peace rallies.

My father, suit and tie extraordinaire that he is, is the one that called me “one of those hippie types”   a long time ago.  I had questioned him on something involving artificial ingredients.  I had said that all natural ingredients would be better for one’s health and there you have it.  I’m a hippie.

I don’t consider myself to be a “hardcore”.  Yes, I shave legs and my vanity will not allow me to just age gracefully – I color my hair.  I also have a distinct advantage.  I don’t run in circles that require me to dress for success everyday.  Therefore, I rarely bother with make up or hair “products”.  I don’t need to.

I am unbelievably blessed in so many ways.  I live in a small farming community in a garden variety house with a 100 x 100′ lot.  The “town house” as I call it serves as shelter and is also the research and development department (R & D) for my burgeoning organic farm ( – link’s on the right).

Base Camp (or as my son James calls it – Headquarters) is evolving into a study in urban agriculture.  These adventures will be posted on the farm site blog (  As an ardent student of Permaculture much of my life centers around developing my own brand of food security.

As Hippie Ways evolves, it will develop into a cottage industry natural body care line.  As I noted earlier, I’m working on rustling up some funding to get it rolling.  I believe VERY strongly in my body care line.

Your skin is your largest organ…why would you grind (or slather, or rub, or soak) chemical based anything into your skin?

I’ll save this for future bits…

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