The silence that of recent months that has enveloped this site is about to coming to a crashing halt! New pages will be added – new posts – some attempts to learn how to use social media (yea, we’ll see how THAT sorts out) I’ve been working on a life […]
On any other day I would not have had to drive to the city. From here to there is about 120 kms and at $1.43 per liter of gas it does rather add up. But October 28th was different. For work related reasons, I had to go. Not being much […]
Since I was only born in the ’60’s and not actually RAISED in the ’60’s I get a lot of strange looks when I announce to those who ask that I am 100% hippie. I’ll have to say that the majority of strange looks come from the younger folks I […]
There’s a certain philosophy involved in calling one’s self a Hippie. To some, it’s an entire realm of anti-establishment beliefs. To others, it’s a movement – born in the 60’s, held over through modern times. To me is a simple, natural, inexpensive way of doing things. As a child of […]