Coming Soon….

The silence that of recent months that has enveloped this site is about to coming to a crashing halt!

New pages will be added – new posts – some attempts to learn how to use social media (yea, we’ll see how THAT sorts out) I’ve been working on a life changing project and fingers crossed it’s going to fly like an eagle!

The small steps are on Facebook as Sacred Garden Fine Energies.

Right now, Sacred Garden is a makeshift pop-up shop in my house…While I work like a crazy person on the business planning and acquisition steps that hopefully will launch me into a new career eventually, please stay tuned. Touch in regularly, let me know what you think, if there’s things you think I need to look at or carry – feel free. If there’s areas that need improvement…I’m all ears!

And into the garden I go…

To lose my mind…

And find my soul.

Blessings to ye
