If you’ve noticed we haven’t been around much lately, it’s because my computers QUIT!! Yes, both of them. Total hard disk failure on one, and a blown mother board on the other. A most interesting month July has been… I’m eternally grateful it’s over!! Since the “Great Computer Incident” and […]
For anyone out there frustrated by the fact that they think I’m ignoring their e-mails….don’t be. There is something direly wrong with my Contact Us forms. Not sure what, but am working on the issue. If you would like contact Hippie Ways just leave a comment, and I’ll get back […]
This is just a random post in an attempt to get the RSS feed working….not too sure what’s wrong.
I’m thinking I may just start up a communication column. Since anyone who really knows me, knows that I am exceedingly proud to be a flag-waving Hippie, and that being self sufficient is a primary goal in my life, I think that I may take this wonder called blogging, to […]
The gale force winds seem to have blown themselves out, so today’s project is to hit the farm and see what’s left of the shingles on the old barn. I’ll deal with the issue of raking up the base camp mess next week. Granted, the lousy weather has made a […]
Finally! The weather was so lousy today that I decided to just get on with it as far as working on my long-promised websites. Hippie Ways is almost read to roll. A few packaging and labeling issues to sort out yet, but I’m getting there. Now I just have to […]